Product Details

Generation X


Product Description

Mutation: n. 1. The act of being altered or changed. 2. The illegal genetic condition (US STATUTE 5504178)first apparent in puberty, caused by the x factor located in the pineal gland of the  brain.
They live in a time gone mad...They are 'Generation X', a new breed of super heroes. Six young people born to rebel but destined to harness their mutant powers to serve a population that has been conditioned to disown
Cloaked away in a special institute, two self-appointed renegade mutant 'elders' prepare 'Generation X' for their new future by subjecting them to a rigorous mental and physical training regime designed to fully develop
their extraordinary powers.
When a corporate psychopath launches, his bid to dominate mankind by manipulating the dream dimension, he finds one missing link...a mutant's super brain. sooner than expected 'Generation X' will find their awesome powers put to the ultimate test.

Product Code: GENJ8


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